Wednesday, November 11, 2009

POSTCARDS FROM DYSTOPIA - exhibition announced!

Invites to the December exhibition I'm participating in are finally going out - stop by for a visit if you happen to find yourself in London. (I understand that it's only a short walk from the Tate Modern and there's likely somewhere to stop for a pint and a plate of crisps along the way.)

3 of my own dystopian postcards will be exhibited - Chandelier Migration, Bird Sanctuary, and Eagle Crossing (pictured at left and likely my favourite, being partial to both the drive home from work and all.) Each digital collage was assembled from my own original imagery, before being printed, hand tinted, and mounted on board. (Final size 5 x 7 x 2" - a petite menace as it were.) New works from the series will be going up on my website later today and at least a couple will be featured in the closing days of American Fever (check it out if you have a chance.)

Now on to the who, what, when and where of the invite -

“A futuristic or imagined territory where a universal menace prevails”

An international exhibition of thirty artists presenting visions of a menacing universe within a collection of postcard sized works. Our present culture holds a fascination with the concept of our own ordered civilization's collapse into chaos. 'Postcards from dystopia' explores this idea by delving into the realms of the imaginary and issuing visions from a dystopian and desolate environment.

Artists: Jessamyn Bailey, Nick Barratt, Anna Beam, Maria Colom, Giles Corby, Benjamin de Brousse Ian Gamache, Linda Griffiths, Takayuki Hara, Joseph Hartley, Andrew Hladky, Gareth A Hopkins, HRLCK, Isabel Howlett, Julia Iwasz, Fiona Leighton-Crawford, Kate MacDonald, Ruth Martindale, Nick McLeod, Tutte Newall, Raksha Patel, Federico Penteado, Maria Theresa Santos, Satch, Fred Schimmelschmidt, Angela Smith, Carly Troncale, Lisa Vuerich, David Willis, Esther Yuan.

Curated by Tutte Newall.

December 3 -21
Private View: December 3, 6-9 pm

Nolias gallery, 60 Great Suffolk street, London SE1 0BL
(5mins from Tate modern)
Gallery open: Tues - Sun 11 am - 6 pm and Mon 21st 11 am - 5 pm
Tel: 07722563357
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