It's not every day a girl (never mind an artist) finds herself featured in a swish magazine, but the right planets must have aligned to pull this together. Check out the
tlc* December gift issue - you can pick up a hard copy in Vancouver or Berlin or read it online the modern way - my interview by Ron Coldham is on page 23 and features a big red W with bonus blimp.

If you're actually looking for any of the mentioned lightboxes, you can find them online at my
etsy shop or drop me a comment. Because it's dollar forty-nine day, I'll include the shipping and track down some of that Woodward's peanut butter I hear Nestor's is reintroducing for Vancouver consumption. Damn, I love peanut butter.
Thanks to
this little city and Ron Coldham for a great feature and congrats to Nestor's and everyone else moving into swank new digs in the Woodwards Building!