My latest cityscape is finished just in time to coincide with World Art Day and a well-deserved vacation to the interior. (Beer, beach, BBQ, grape, anyone?)
Downtown (admitedly not my most inspired title) measures 20 x 16" and features a street view of downtown Vancouver and a various assortment of office towers and apartment buildings. While not enamoured with the actual act of painting straight lines and managing realistic perspectives, I admit to taking comfort in the act of condensing city sprawl of the into repeating patterns of windows, light and shadow. (Is there an irony inherent in being a realist artist who constantly attempts to remake their own reality, or is that actually the point?)

Perhaps surprisingly the part of the painting that I find most satisfying is the orange crack of light in the upper lefthand quarter. Perhaps too bright and perhaps too separate, it is the singular part of the painting to which I have any emotional attachment. If I lived in the painting (and in some ways I might) then this is my room.
It's been a busy week of proposal writing and plans for new work (watch for Postcards from Dystopia in London, December 2009 when Kate participates in a group show across the pond) and I'm ready for some serious R&R with my sister and the boys on the beach.
"There is a crack in everything/That's how the light gets in." ~Leonard Cohen