Wednesday, January 16, 2008


A long day of work followed by an evening at CANVAS Gallery (and a few Guinness at the Heather for sustenance) and I'm happy to report that my artwork is hanging and ready for Gasoline Romance (January 19 - March 11 in Gastown at the Canvas Gallery on Powell Street.)

With Dan's help and the excellent eye (she chose me, didn't she?) of gallery curator, Samantha Anderson, we made quick work of it, although I've got to admit that installing the lightboxes in relation to available outlets is always a pain. (Luckily, ahead of the Woodwards Show I stumbled across some extension cords that run 3 outlets along 10 feet at 3 foot intervals. Lord knows what they make them for, but they work for me!) For those of you who wander in, the paintings are hung along the second level and the lightboxes on the first.

I'll pass along the date of the Opening Reception as soon as it's been confirmed, so stay tuned!
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